Installation - Templates & Instructions


Installing an ExiscanTM Inpection Window is a piece of cake. The square and rectangular shapes of the inspection windows provide users with the latitude to either use a knockout punch, saw, cutoff wheel or nibbler. Properly equipped, a team of two technicians can install five to eight windows an hour.


green line


Installation Instructions:


XIR & XDV Series IR Windows

pdfIR Window Installation Instructions (PDF)

pdfIR Window Installation Overview & Tips (PDF)

pdfPictures of IR Window Installations (PDF)



Mounting Patterns / Templates:


XIR-A-4 Series / XIR-S-4 Series IR Windows: 4"x4" (102mm x 102mm) Aperture

pdfMounting Pattern-XIR Series-4in (PDF)

dwgMounting Pattern XIR Series 4in (DWG)

stpMounting Pattern XIR Series 4in (STP)


XIR-A-3 Series / XIR-S-3 Series IR Windows: 3"x3" (76mm x 76mm) Aperture

pdfMounting Pattern-XIR Series-3in (PDF)

dwgMounting Pattern-XIR Series-3in (DWG)

stpMounting Pattern-XIR Series-3in (STP)


XIR-A-2 Series / XIR-S-2 Series IR Windows: 2.25"x2.25" (57mm x 57mm) Aperture

pdfMounting Pattern-XIR Series-2in (PDF)

dwgMounting Pattern-XIR Series-2in (DWG)

stpMounting Pattern-XIR Series-2in (STP)


XDV-A-4 Series / XDV-S-4 Series Dual-View IR Windows: 4"x4" (102mm x 102mm) IR Aperture

pdfMounting Pattern-XDV Series (PDF)

dwgMounting Pattern-XDV Series (DWG)

stpMounting Pattern-XDV Series (STP)



Installation Tools: [Link to Installation Tools Page]